We are thrilled to introduce our first e-Learning program – Eskrima White Belt Level 1.
What we learn on this program is the Basic grips or holds on the sticks, it is also teaches us on how to do the break-falls which is very important for every martial Arts. Break-falls will guide us to a safety landing if the opponent will take us to the ground.
As you go further on this program, it will also include the Basic understanding on how to flow the sticks and teach us on how to defend our self. Double stick drills are introduced for coordination and future development of the skills. You may purchase this course at our shop.
- 1 Section
- 26 Lessons
- 16 Weeks
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- Eskrima White Belt Level 126
- 2.11. Salutation and Proper Way Of Grip, Hold and Usage Of the Sticks20 Minutes
- 2.22. Stick Exercises and Warm-up Drills18 Minutes
- 2.33. Basic Footwork20 Minutes
- 2.44. Likos Balikos or Circular Strikes17 Minutes
- 2.55. Liso-Liso or Abaniko17 Minutes
- 2.66. Linear Downward Diagonal Strike or Balabag Padulhog19 Minutes
- 2.77. Linear Upward Diagonal Strike or Balabag Pasaka19 Minutes
- 2.88. Horizontal Strikes or Pinatag22 Minutes
- 2.99. Assault Drills or Sulong20 Minutes
- 2.1010. Open Arms Position Double Stick Mobility Drills Downward Strikes18 Minutes
- 2.1111. Open Arms Position Double Stick Mobility Drills Upward Strike20 Minutes
- 2.1212. Close Guard Double Stick Mobility Drills Downwards and Upward Strike16 Minutes
- 2.1313. 12 Basic Strikes and Their Corresponding Targets18 Minutes
- 2.1414. 12 Basic Defense Techniques Against Olisi Attack20 Minutes
- 2.1515. One Counterattack15 Minutes
- 2.1616. Attack and Defense Drills18 Minutes
- 2.1717. Two Counter Attacks22 Minutes
- 2.1818. Quadrant Drills18 Minutes
- 2.1919. Open Arms Position Pengke-Pengke Drills 4,5 & 6 Counts20 Minutes
- 2.2020. Full Guard Position Pengke-Pengke 4,5 & 6 Strikes20 Minutes
- 2.2121. Tapi-Tapion Drills or Block and Parry Drills18 Minutes
- 2.2222. Breakfalls Level 122 Minutes
- 2.2323. Breakfalls Level 225 Minutes
- 2.2424. Breakfalls Level 322 Minutes
- 2.25Bonus: Backhand Linear Snap16 Minutes
- 2.26Bonus: Forehand Linear Snap15 Minutes