Practical Women Self Defense on How to Escape from a Wrist Hold?

Meet Azura our host for this women self defense demonstration and assisted by Steffen Billhardt. Here we explain a possible ways on how to escape from a wrist hold. Purpose is to protect yourself from danger and against lawless elements in the society.
We also emphasized the awareness and evasion strategy when you noticed someone has a bad intentions in you.
Enjoy the video


  • Supersperg

    March 9, 2022 @ 2:02 pm

    Is she really a martial artist? It be cool you hit the guy in the nuts..

  • Alexis Peace

    March 12, 2022 @ 1:28 pm

    This was a good video! If you do another one with her it would be great if you could show more detail in how to kick the balls–with the knee but especially with the foot. Is it better to make contact in the front or sort of up and under (actually between his legs). I know it's a great technique for women but it's also a scary one. I know it hurts him bad but if I miss then the guy is going to be really mad that I tried to do that to him. Thank you and I hope you make more women's self defense. She did a really good job–you might need to wear some protection haha 🙂

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